Tuesday, May 18, 2010

sydney day 1!

Wow.. what a long day...

As most of you have probably already heard, I missed my flight this morning to Sydney... I had to pay an extra $75 to get onto the next flight (the original ticket was only $28) and wait another 8 hours in the Melbourne airport. Anyways, after all that I made it into Sydney at around 4:30pm

My first impressions of the city are very good... Even though it's been pouring rain since I got here, I really like the feel of the city. It has more of a "big city" vibe to it than Melbourne, which appeals to me in some ways.

The hostel I'm staying in is pretty nice and the people that I'm sharing my room with seem super cool- two Italian girls and a law student from Frankfurt, its a good mix =D

I spent the night eating the best pizza ever, at this gourmet pizza bar called Zachary's (ranks as the seventh best meal I've ever had) and going for an evening walk in the city.

Here are some photos from my first night!

1 comment:

  1. it looks stunning and i'm glad you got there at last! i really wish i were there too. don't miss anymore flights and enjoy sydney. :)
