So it's high time I post an update here... been far too long... Anyways, yesterday I saw my first kangaroo! yay!! To commemorate the event, here's a small tribute to the great Steve Irwin aka the Crocodile Hunter
The video was supposed to carry on a bit longer, but I guess I accidentally hit stop... oh wells...
So yeah! I saw kangaroos, koalas, wombats, wallabies and all other sorts of Aussie wildlife at the Healesville Sanctuary. Totally rad place to be. Highlight of the day (besides befriending a kangaroo of course) would be watching this toddler ask her mommy what the Emus were doing (it) and the resulting explanation
I'll post a crapload of photos when I finally get around to uploading stuff onto flickr... work has been prohibiting that lately, but hopefully soon..
Oh and good news! I'm leaving for Sydney in less than two days... so that means a whole lot more updates! YAY!
So yeah, if you wanna check out what the biggest city in Australia looks like from my eyes, then check back often this week- I'll be posting daily while I'm there!

Koala Jump!
Skippy and Me :)
Did you and Skippy have a friendly round of fisticuffs?